Sustainable 25 Year Milestone Celebration

Sustainable Pty Ltd. is featured in The Community Chronicle celebrating our 25 Year Milestone. (Click the image above to read)

It is definitely celebration time this Monday for the Sustainable Team!

This morning we came in to work to receive our 25 Year Milestone feature in The Community Chronicle. This year, Sustainable is celebrating 25 years within the building and construction industry. We are so excited that we get to share our story with our local community!

Share in our celebration by joining us for the rest of this year. Keep up to date with our latest and greatest stories via our social media platforms – Instagram, LinkedIn & Facebook. Also, don’t forget to check our website space for more exciting Sustainable news.

Celebrating 25 Years of Custom Homes

Wow…25 Years. Time to CELEBRATE!

To kick start the celebration, check out our little celebration video below:

Recipe House: The Kingfisher

In 2017, Sustainable undertook a journey with Tobias and Hilke Volbert to design and construct their affordable, adaptable and environmentally conscious Recipe House. Throughout their journey to create their dream home, they engaged in and trusted our Sustainable process to come out with a truly individual and sustainable home.

Watch “The Kingfisher Recipe House” video below to grasp an understanding of the Sustainable Recipe House journey.

The Kingfisher Series — Podcast Video 4: Why are we still creating developments on “life support” in 2020?

Brett McKenzie sheds light on the reality of today’s housing developments. Here at Sustainable we aim to inspire people to take on the responsibility to create design lead homes that create better community living rather than contribute to larger social and environmental issues.

“So yes the housing stock may be cheaper, but effectively you are buying cheaper products [and] a cheaper system. In the long term, if you have a design lead process with long term thinking, you end up with a more cost effective home diluted over a longer period of time.” — Sustainable CEO Brett McKenzie

The Kingfisher Series — Podcast Video 3: Sustainable Housing Outcomes

Sustainable ensures that our design lead homes perform unbelievably from a sustainable and energy perspective. In considering the environment and sustainable concepts before constructing the building, ensures that we are maximising passive energy.

The Kingfisher Series — Podcast Video 2: Recipe Design Savings & Waste Management

Through our design and construction expertise, Sustainable helps you generate recipe design savings, of both time and money. Cost is further reduced through our waste management approach – recycling 98% of the construction waste.

The Kingfisher Series — Podcast Video 1: Sustainable Solar & Orientation

Sustainable understands sensible design, considering compass-north and solar-north, and positioning homes based on the orientation of where the sun comes up and goes down.

Kingfisher House


Join Tobias Volbert as he discusses his Sustainable journey. Tobias, Hilke and the boys, even three years on, still enjoy and engage with the pleasures of their Sustainable Recipe House.

If you are interested about Sustainable’s key principles in constructing the Kingfisher house, read the following article: Sustainable News – The Kingfisher House.


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Leading the way with Recipe House Communities

Recipe on Crowley showcases how design led urban in-fill housing can continue to deliver the Queensland way of life through natural space and engaged community.

If you are interested in developing house and land options that have the market edge check out our Sustainable Communities page.

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